A final wave good bye to our Etherton Education Summer 2018 Students!
We said good bye to the last of our 2018 students this weekend – Sunday 02 September! We have had an amazing 8 weeks at Wellington School and Lord Wandsworth College, and 4 weeks at Badminton School! We have welcomed over 340 students to Etherton Education in 2018 across our 3 locations! We were fully booked for many of the courses during both July and August! With a nationality mix of over 30 different countries we had a wonderfully diverse course structure.
We collected / located over 150 BRP Cards across our 3 course locations with students going on to over 180 different schools within the UK!
It has been extremely busy but ever so rewarding! We hope every student who attended Etherton Education in 2018 has left feeling more confident and ready to start their next chapter!