Boarding Life

In this section you will find information about general boarding life at Etherton Education.  This includes some more details about the accommodation, the laundry service available, contacting home and a section on food and dietary requirements.



Boarding is a big part of the experience of attending a British boarding school.  Our courses are designed to prepare you for the experience, or to give you a ‘taste’ of life at a British boarding school.

All students live in single-sex accommodation on the school campus.  Most of the rooms are have two beds and some larger rooms have up to 4 beds.  The larger rooms are usually used for younger students.  There are comfortable lounges with wide-screen television and indoor games rooms.  House Staff live there as well and look after the students.

We employ a wonderful team of House Staff.  The routine of having House Staff is an important aspect of adjusting to being away from home and living at your school.  Many students’ have their birthday during the summer course, so celebrations and cake are a regular part of life in the boarding house!  We have very high levels of care and support for our students.

Our friendly Student Hosts will also be in the accommodation during the evenings and will socialise with students for conversation, games, and fun activities.


All clothes (including underwear) must be labelled with the student’s name.  Basic laundry once a week (for machine washable clothes) is included in the course fees.  Students should ensure they have enough changes of clothes for a full week.  We recommend that you buy a laundry net/bag, clearly marked with the student’s name, to help keep their laundry together.

Contacting Home

We encourage all students to contact home when they first arrive, so that parents know they have arrived with us.  If parents have not heard from their child, they are welcome to email our admissions team HERE and we will contact the child and remind them to phone home.

We ask parents not to phone their children during lesson times, or after 8pm at night (UK time).

Our host school has Wi-Fi available throughout the school.  Students will be advised on arrival when / where they can use the Wi-Fi and our staff will assist them to connect any devices they need.  On arrival we will also advise students of the mobile phone policy.

Parents, if your child has a problem, please encourage them to come and talk to our staff about it directly.  We will do our best to solve their problem.  It is an important life lesson for children to deal with their problems themselves.  We also ask for your support in understanding our rules and procedures.

Food and Dietary Requirements

Students are provided with three meals a day. All meals are eaten in the school dining room and attendance to all meals is compulsory.

The school provides good quality meals, with a choice of several different healthy main dishes and a salad bar.  The food is highly nutritious and gives our students a well-balanced diet throughout the summer.  We also provide packed lunches on trip days.

We try to cater for students with allergies and/or requiring a special diet but we must be informed of this in advance upon application.  Please note that our host school will not accept students with certain diets (such as extreme vegan diet) and there may be additional charges for other diets.